The deliberations of the Community Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce are complete. The report of recommendations for Council can be accessed here.

The Remit

Council has a key target in MV2040 to achieve zero net emissions for our community by 2040. How should Council reduce community carbon emissions?

Taskforce Members

Expressions of interest to participate in the Community Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce closed on 26 February 2023. A total of 252 people registered their interest and from these registrations, we randomly selected 45 people to represent a cross section of our community based on neighbourhoods/wards, age, gender, diversity, language usually spoken at home and place of birth.

An external facilitator with expertise in deliberative panels was been engaged to assist staff run the Taskforce workshops.

An introductory ‘Meet and Greet’ session was held online on Wednesday 19 April 2023 from 6pm to 8pm. The Taskforce workshops were held in the Clocktower on the following dates:

  • Session 1: Saturday 22 April 2023 – 9am - 4:30pm
  • Session 2: Saturday 29 April 2023 – 9am - 4:30pm
  • Session 3: Saturday 6 May 2023 – 9am - 4:30pm

Councillors and community members were welcome to attend the workshops as observers (see the endorsed Terms of Reference). Please read the Observer Guidelines here. It's important to note that observers will be sitting in a separate section from Taskforce members with limited seating.

At the final session, the Taskforce provided a written report of their recommendations on initiatives/projects/programs to help reduce community carbon emissions, that align with the 10 opportunities outlined in the Emissions Reduction Analysis Report.