Moonee Valley City Council is committed to being a city with things to see and do.

Council does this by supporting a rich program of festivals and events across the city to showcase our cultural institutions, natural attractions and vibrant activity precincts. These events celebrate local cultures, stimulate economic activity and attract visitors and tourists.

To continue to thrive as a city with things to see and do, Council developed a draft Trial Commercial Events Policy. The Policy outlined Council’s commitment to develop a commercial event permit application process and to support commercial entities to deliver appropriate commercial events held on suitable Council owned or managed land that have demonstrable community benefit.

Following Council's endorsement of the draft Trial Commercial Events Policy for consultation on 23 May 2023, community consultation took place from 31 May - 4 July 2023. Council then endorsed the Trial Commercial Events Policy at the meeting held 25 July 2023. You can review the community consultation report and the final Trial Commercial Events Policy in the document library.

Council has implemented this Policy as a trial to test its appropriateness in Moonee Valley. By supporting and facilitating suitable commercial events, Council can further enhance its impact by increasing the range and number of events available for the community to attend.

Council is now consulting on a draft Festival and Events Framework and Policy which are expected to be considered by Council in February 2024. It is envisaged that. once adopted by Council, the Festival and Events Framework and Policy will replace the Trial Commercial Events Policy. We invite community to provide feedback through this Your Say page.

If you're a commercial entity interested in holding an outdoor event on council owned or managed land you can head straight to our Event Permit information page to apply for your permit now!

We would be delighted to receive your application!