Disability Advisory Committee Members

Our purpose

The Moonee Valley Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) was established in 2019 and provides Council with a forum to consult with community members and seek specialist advice around disability.

Our context

Meeting throughout the year, the Committee supports Council with the MV2040 Strategy FAIR (QEENTE BOORDUP - This means 'fair' in Woi wurrung language) Specifically, the DAC assists in the development and delivery of Councils Disability Action Plan, and collaborates each year to deliver the Council project to acknowledge and celebrate International day of People with Disability.

To find out more visit Accessible Moonee Valley (external link) or contact Council’s Access and Inclusion Officer on tel. 9243 8781.

Our membership

The DAC is comprised of a selection of up to 12 people with a variety of living experience of disabilities, their family or Carers. Members of the Committee represent a cross section of the local community and either reside in, work or volunteer, in different geographic locations across Moonee Valley.

If you have any questions about the Committee or its activities, you can contact Kelly Armstrong on tel. 92438781 or email KArmstrong@mvcc.vic.gov.au.

Disability Advisory Committee Members

  • Anita

    Anita is a community volunteer, a current serving Justice of the Peace, and has a lived and/or shared family experience of living with disabilities and understands how important it is for vulnerable people to have a voice.

  • Ciri

    I joined the DAC to share my experiences in the Moonee Valley as a disabled and neurodiverse person. I am also involved with the Moonee Valley pride (LGBTQIA+) reference group and the Young People's Committee.

  • Debra

    I have been a committee member of the Moonee Valley DAC for two years and have been assisting and supporting community members of Moonee Valley living with a disability since 2018. I have a strong belief that all community members have a right to be inclusively connected to community, eonomically and socially.

  • Jason

    Through both volunteering and my Personal Training business (based in Moonee Ponds and Essendon) I am passionate to generate more disability inclusive programs both for mainstream audiences and specific to All Abilities, and carer well-being focused. These include walking in parks, coffee groups, fitness training etc. With the DAC I advocate Moonee Valley to be an inclusive community, particularly in our physical environment i.e.. signage, footpaths, traffic light crossings, buildings etc.

  • Lee-Anne

    Bred and raised in Strathmore, I am a mum to 3 young girls, including one who is neurodivergent. I have been a member of Victoria Police for 20 years and am a Sergeant at Flemington. I enjoy community policing and was very excited to be selected for the role of Disability Liaison Officer for the Moonee Valley area. I want to support people with disabilities and share my knowledge to help educate my peers.

  • Lisa

    As parent to a neurodivergent young man with complex needs, Lisa is a passionate advocate for people with disabilities and those who care for them. In the past, Lisa volunteered with Vision Australia and was awarded the Tilly Aston Medal for voluntary service. As a TAFE teacher, she has taught Certificate IV in Disability and Work Effectively with an NDIS Participant. On the Disability Advisory Committee, Lisa represents Valley Carers, an inclusive support group for carers in Moonee Valley.

  • Mark

    I recently found myself disabled after leading a pretty active life. I eventually also lost my job in technology and application development and lean optimisation. From speaking with my neighbour who was on the DAC, I thought I could volunteer and point my skills and experience towards, to pay back to my local community; through mentoring individuals and/ or local businesses and associations. I currently sit on the committee for the Ascot Vale Panthers Masters AFL.

  • Megan

    Megan is School Council Vice-President at Flemington Primary School.

    She is passionate about ensuring that individuals with so called 'invisible disabilities' are included in disability policies and practices, particular neurodivergent individuals.

  • Natale

    I am vision impaired and born and lived in Moonee Valley all my life. I have been involved in many advocacy groups within the blindness commuinity and disability in general. I am passionate about access and inclusion in advocating for people with disability and carers to be able to equitably participate in society free from any barriers and biases.

  • Natham

    I live, work & play in the local community! The DAC has allowed me to give back to the community and advocate for others. It’s helped to create an all-abilities soccer group with a local club which is great for the Moonee Valley community.

  • Sue

    Sue E. Armstrong is a local person with a disability. Sue is a fine artist and filmmaker, and the Chairperson of Mixed Nuts Media Inc. Mixed Nuts Media were commissioned in 2020 by Moonee Valley City Council to produce The COVID Chronicles. This was a story about six local people with disabilities and how they met the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic lockdowns in Melbourne.

  • Tommy

    I want to see a better equality towards disability and ‘normal people’ we have just as much right to work, live and play. I am currently doing a fund raiser cycling around Australia to raise awareness and funds for Children with Stroke

  • Trish

    Trish joined the DAC in 2024. She has resided in Moonee Valley her whole life and has a lived experience of disability. Trish is a teacher, and is particularly passionate about neurodivergent students receiving an inclusive education.

What is the DAC involved in?

The Disability Advisory Committee has been involved in a wide range of projects over the past 2 years. The below list is just some of the initiatives that the Committee has been involved in:

  • International Day of People with Disability community events (Annual)
  • Feedback on FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) program roll out
  • Feedback on accessibility of the Djerring Flemington Hub building
  • Feedback on Fair Play Sports Policy
  • Feedback on MV2040 Community Vision and MV2040 refresh
  • Aged Care Navigation project
  • Public toilet gap analysis
  • Open Space Strategy
  • Keilor East Leisure Centre accessibility
  • Mental health data for Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • Moonee Ponds Junction Transport Advocacy
  • Prioritisation of potential Changing Places locations in MVCC
  • Feedback on Inclusive Engagement checklist
  • Feedback on access features for inclusion in the proposed Access Map
  • Feedback on access features for inclusion in the proposed Community Facilities booking website
  • Housing Strategy
  • Customer complaints and feedback promotional material
  • Advocacy for Glenbervie Train Station safe accessibility for pedestrians
  • Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness training

An image of a group of people collaborating