Thank you to all who provided feedback on Council's Community Engagement Policy. The Community Engagement Policy was updated based on your feedback, and endorsed by Council on the 26th of March 2024.

Our current Community Engagement Policy has been in place since February 2021. It's now time for us to go back to the community for feedback on the Policy. We want to ensure the Policy is clear on Council's commitment to genuine community engagement. We also want to ensure the Policy is inclusive, transparent and aligned to best practices.

The draft updated Policy is not substantially different in intent to the original. Proposed changes include:

  • Including key definitions within the document
  • Confirming our commitment to child safe standards and to the empowerment of the voices of young people
  • Clarity around the use of deliberative engagement
  • Engagement when Council is buying or selling property, and
  • Engagement during holiday periods and Council election periods.

How do you like to hear about our community consultations?

We promote our community consultations in a variety of ways. How do you prefer to hear about them? Depending on the type of project, we may post about it on social media, do a letterbox drop, include it in a newsletter or promote it on our website

7 December, 2023

Felicity says:

Email is my preference. Social media can be missed. Letter box and newsletters don’t always arrive and website mean you have to look for it

27 November, 2023

JB says:

Social media, website, newsletter (but this often arrives after key dates have passed), and letterbox drops for specific issues