Our purpose

The Community Grants Advisory Committee (Committee) is established to assess and provide objective advice and recommendations on the allocation of the Biannual and Partnership Grants streams of the Community Funding Program (excluding the Social Support category). Committee members:

  • Assess Biannual and Partnership grant applications, and
  • Attend Biannual Grants assessment meetings

Our context

Moonee Valley City Council’s Community Grants Program provides grants and in-kind support to community organisations, groups, individuals and local business contributing to the health and wellbeing of the municipality.

The Community Grants Program is one of the ways Council supports our community to achieve its long-term vision as outlined in MV2040 for a healthy city that is fair, thriving, connected, green and beautiful.

Our membership

The Committee members are made of:

  • Up to eight community members
  • Up to ten Council Officers from a range of levels and departments

Members will be selected and appointed based on merit, skills and expertise, and considering diverse representation of views and backgrounds. Members are selected on an annual basis and appointed for an 18-month period as specified in the appointment or EOI.

Community Panel members will generally serve a maximum of two consecutive terms on the Committee. They may reapply through the EOI process to either continue their appointment or re-join the Committee. However, preference will be given to new members where possible, to ensure that the opportunity to participate is shared.

Ideally the Committee will consist of new and previous or existing members to ensure a transfer of knowledge and experience as well as creating new opportunities to participate.