Jemena Electricity Networks (VIC) Ltd (Jemena) has received grant funding from the Australian Government’s Community Batteries for Household Solar Program, administered by Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, to install a Community Battery in Flemington.
Jemena has approached Council with a proposal for the battery to occupy approximately 15m2 of space within Debneys Park nearby the Victoria Street car park in Flemington. Council has not made a decision in relation to this proposal and would like to understand what the community think about this proposal and the location.
An aerial view and street view of the proposed general location is below. From 17 January - 14 February 2025, Council sought feedback from interested stakeholders about this proposal to identify any issues for Council to consider. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback.
What is a Community Battery?
A community battery is a large battery that stores excess energy generated during the day - like from solar panels - in the immediate surrounds (local network) and discharges when energy demand is higher. For example in the middle of the day when many people are at work and not using energy at home, the battery can soak up the excess energy in the grid. and then discharge in the evening when lots of people are home and using their electric appliances.
Why this location?
Jemena received a Federal Grant for a community battery in Flemington. By connecting the battery to the network at this location, Jemena will create capacity in this network, meaning there will be additional space for houses to put solar panels on and connect to the network.