Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in participating in this Group - we had a wonderful response. The Group is now finalised, but we will be happy to consider any additional expressions of interest ongoing.

Context and purpose

Our community is linguistically very diverse. Approximately 30% of people living in Moonee Valley are in non-English-speaking households. More than 70 languages and dialects are spoken across the municipality. There are also parts of the community with lower literacy or cognitive disabilities, and there are those who are vision impaired or who use sign language. All these different types of languages are also known as community languages. Council would like to understand more about how our community wishes to see these community languages used. Council also wants to make things easier for communities to understand what Council does, and to make all communities feel welcome and connected.

On 13 September 2022, Moonee Valley City Council agreed to create a Multilingual Reference Group. The purpose of this Group is to help guide and ensure Council’s communications and activities within the community are accessible, inclusive, and relevant to all, in particular in terms of language. The establishment of a Multilingual Reference Group connects with ‘Fair / Qeente Boordup’ in Council’s 2040 strategy and demonstrates Moonee Valley City Council’s commitment to a fair city that values diversity and inclusion. Feedback from the Group will help Council better connect with different communities.

Membership and meetings

We are seeking expressions of interest from the community to join the Multilingual Reference Group.

The Group will be made up of 15 members. These members will be invited and sourced from community groups and agencies focused on the diverse use of community languages.

There will be four meetings each year, held in Moonee Ponds, running 2.00pm - 4.30pm. Dates for this year's first series of meetings are confirmed:

Thursday 30 March (featuring a guest speaker TBC)
Thursday 22 June
Thursday 31 August
Thursday 02 November

If you have a keen interest in community languages and would like to take part in this group, we would love to hear from you. We particularly invite those from our culturally and linguistically diverse groups in the community to apply.


Expressions of interest and applications will be considered and finalised by Council’s Manager Corporate Affairs, who will approve which community members will join the group. Language diversity within the Group is key. Membership offers will be confirmed, and Reference Group membership will be finalised mid-March.

How to apply

Complete an Expression of Interest by 27 February 2023 (closed). If you are interested in participating in this Group, please e-mail us directly. We would love to hear from you!
Write to us: Multilingual Reference Group, Advocacy, Grants and Engagement Team, Moonee Valley City Council, PO Box 126, Moonee Ponds, VIC 3039.