Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the plans for the Newmarket Local Area. The survey is now closed while we consider all responses. Follow this page to stay up to date with any news relating to this consultation.

The draft plans are:

The draft plans were prepared following the review of community feedback received over the past 11 months (see our map below for feedback we heard from you last year), along with results from traffic and parking surveys. We are now seeking feedback on these draft plans to help us finalise them and present them for endorsement at a Council meeting in August 2024.

Traffic Management

The Traffic Management Plan sets out recommended solutions to traffic issues identified by the community, Council officers, and consultants.

Parking Management

The Parking Management Plan does similarly for parking. This is significantly based on two full-day parking surveys and initial feedback from the community.

The parking proposals in this draft plan follow the guidance of Council’s Municipal Parking Strategy (in particular, the Parking Demand Management Framework and the Kerbside Road Space User Hierarchy).

Have your say

Join the conversation on the draft plans for Newmarket!