Thank you to the 400+ people who contributed to this consultation. The survey has now closed with results to be considered by our project team.

Victorian Government legislation has changed to set out a way forward for reducing waste. You can read more about the changes here.

As part of the Victorian State Government’s Recycling Victoria (RV) policy, we’re rolling out green lid FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) services to all single-use dwellings and certain eligible multi-use dwellings in Moonee Valley. We're seeking your thoughts about this and glass recycling solutions.

In preparation for this roll out we want to understand how the communities of Moonee Valley view the existing Moonee Valley waste and recycling services.
We also want to:

  • hear what you think about a green lid FOGO bin service;
  • understand your needs before we roll out green lid FOGO bins and glass bins;
  • understand your preferences (e.g. what size green bin, how often we collect it, and your preferred way for using a glass bin)
  • understand your thoughts about the future Container Deposit Scheme (CDS).

The information provided will guide future waste and recycling services in Moonee Valley.