Keilor East Leisure Centre’s outdoor pool is now open for its second extended season, which will run from 16 September 2023 to 14 April 2024.

Since the centre’s opening in November 2021, Council has been monitoring and reviewing the heated outdoor pool’s opening hours. An initial 12-month trial of extended opening hours concluded at the end of the day on 29 May 2023.

Further to this trial, Council agreed at its regular meeting on 23 May 2023 to endorse an additional extension to the outdoor pool opening season at Keilor East Leisure Centre. This means the outdoor pool will be open for summer hours from the start of September 2023 school holidays to the end of the April 2024 school holidays.

KELC outdoor pool opening hours
16 September 2023 - 14 April 2024
Monday to Friday
5.30am - 7.00pm
6.00am - 7.00pm
8.00am - 7.00pm

Council will be collecting and monitoring data on how many people visit and use the facilities during the extended open season.

Community feedback on the extended hours was sought via a short survey. Thank you to all who completed the survey. A report is now being compiled to help inform a Council decision for the next summer season.