Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this consultation. Council have endorsed the attached policy on Tuesday 29 November.

Councils make decisions everyday about the purchase of goods, services and works needed to deliver key council services and infrastructure to the community. The Procurement Policy guides these decisions.

As part of the Local Government Act 2020, Council is required to have a Procurement Policy. This Procurement Policy must specify the principles, processes and procedures that apply when Council is purchasing goods and services, or carrying out works.

We have recently revised our Procurement Policy with some minor changes and are interested to know if the community has any feedback. This draft Policy will soon be presented to Council for consideration. These changes relate to:

  • Treatment of tax
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Victorian Construction Suppliers Register
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Training
  • Breaches, and
  • Exemptions

A draft Policy can be viewed in the document library on the side of the page.