Thank you to everyone who contributed to this consultation. The community consultation report can be found here. Follow this page to stay up to date with any news relating to this project.

Moonee Valley City Council (MVCC) is partnering with City of Melbourne (CoM) to develop a shared, long-term vision for Racecourse Road.

Together, we are seeking community feedback on a Strategic Improvements Discussion Paper for this key arterial which borders both municipalities.

The Discussion Paper outlines several proposed design principles and potential design opportunities to improve Racecourse Road as a place and destination, as well as a route for people travelling by foot, wheelchair, bicycle, scooter, public transport and motor vehicle.

Racecourse Road is important both as a place and as a transport corridor for people moving by various modes of transport. It is identified as a major activity centre in Victorian planning policy, which means it has an important role in providing a diverse range of jobs, activities and housing. It is the high street for the Flemington Kensington community, supporting the livelihoods of a diverse mix of traders and providing a focus for public activity and connection.

It is also an important tram corridor as well as being on the Victorian Government’s Strategic Cycling Corridor network.

There is significant pressure for change in the local area, given anticipated growth including the Flemington Estate in MVCC and Macaulay and Arden urban renewal areas in CoM. It is important to plan for the needs of new and existing residents to ensure both councils and the Victorian Government can coordinate their strategies and reflect community expectations.

Feedback received during this consultation will inform a Strategic Improvements Plan (SIP) that will be used to advocate for coordinated improvements to Racecourse Road.

As Flemington and Kensington grow, we want all of Racecourse Road to be as safe, welcoming and accessible as possible.

Consultation will be open until 11:59pm, Wednesday 10 July. You can have your say by reading the Discussion Paper, completing an online survey, or attending a pop-up event. An accessible version of the Discussion Paper will be made available on request. Please contact us if you would like one.

Have your say today!

The Streetscape Principles provide a strategic direction for the various outcomes we would like to see for Racecourse Road as a place and transport corridor. The Principles are:

  • Prioritise people
    • Make the street safe and more inclusive to meet the needs of people of all genders, abilities and backgrounds.
    • Make the street more comfortable for people visiting, shopping, working or passing through.
    • Improve safety for all users including people walking, riding, driving and using public transport
  • Green the street
    • Introduce more trees and other planting to improve health and comfort.
    • Incorporating planting that cools the street and helps adapt climate change.
    • Provide a habitat corridor for birds and animals between Flemington Racecourse and Royal Park.
    • Implement water sensitive urban design features to assist with flood mitigation
  • Create a vibrant street identity
    • Increase visibility of Aboriginal history and culture in the street
    • Celebrate the rich culture and diversity of the communities of Kensington and Flemington
    • Create a local street identity that provides a safe and positive environment day and night
  • Support active transport
    • Provide quality, accessible paths and crossings for pedestrians (including users of wheelchairs and other mobility aids)
    • Make riding safe and attractive for a diverse range of people including through adequate and well-located parking
    • Provide amenities such as seating, water fountains and bicycle parking to serve community needs and support active travel use
  • Encourage public transport
    • Advocate to the Victorian Government for tram stop upgrades that provide safe and accessible boarding
    • Advocate for frequent and reliable tram and train services that are attractive transport options
    • Support quality interchanges between transport modes and the shopping area
  • Increase street activation
    • Support local businesses by providing additional space for outdoor dining and trading
    • Make the street a more attractive local centre that brings in locals as well as other visitors
    • Establish Racecourse Road as an iconic neighbourhood destination with a positive vibe.
  • Minimise unnecessary impacts to driving and parking
    • Consider likely impacts to private vehicle travel times when making changes
    • Manage parking to minimise the impact of any reduction in parking spaces
    • Give priority to people with disabilities and other priority users

The Design Opportunities are types of changes that could occur on Racecourse Road to help achieve the Streetscape Principles. The opportunities are:

  • Make more space for walking and trading activities.
  • Make it easier for people to cross Racecourse Road.
  • Make side streets safer and more accessible.
  • Provide safe and separate bike lanes for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Create a comfortable place for people to spend time through increased tree canopy, understorey and raingardens.
  • Ensure safe and accessible access to future tram stops.
  • Improve traffic flow and safety by limiting some turning movements.