New residential development at 290-292 Racecourse Road, Flemington has prompted a request to Council to name the laneway at the rear of the dwelling, as this will be the primary access to the new dwelling. The full length of the laneway runs between 1 Wellington Street and 274-276 Racecourse Road, Flemington.

To ensure public safety, it is recommended the laneway be named to allow for an accurate address to be assigned to the new dwelling. Naming of the laneway will also assist delivery and emergency services to locate any other properties that have their main entry point from this laneway.

The Victorian Government has set a target of 70 per cent of new commemorative place naming after women as part of Our equal state: Victoria’s gender equality strategy and action plan 2023–2027. Council has engaged with stakeholders to undertake research on prominent women that have helped shape the history of this area of Flemington. Council has chosen two names and is seeking community feedback on the proposed names:

Witty Lane is named after Magg Witty, who ran the Palace Hotel post WW1 (situated on the corner of Racecourse and Rankins Road). Magg Witty was a notable licensee and a popular figure at the Hotel. Her kindness and generosity were appreciated by locals of this time.

Sylvia Lane is named after Sylvia Miller, who was born in Kensington in 1898. A dancer and dancing instructor. The Miller family operated a business at what was then 109 Racecourse Road, now known as 285 Racecourse Road from 1895 –1920.

Further information about the proposed names and naming process is provided in the Frequently Asked Questions. Community members are invited to provide feedback on their proposed name for this laneway until 2 March (via the place naming survey link below, or a letter sent to owners of properties abutting the laneway).

Call for information from the public

Council has been unable to locate existing family members to seek permission to use the proposed name and calls for consent from the family or requests family contact details from the community. If you have this information please contact our Legal and Governance Team using the details on this page.

Have your say on the laneway name!

View the laneway location and complete our place naming survey here.