Council is undertaking a review of its Art and Heritage Collection Policy. The current Policy is 10 years old, but has now been reviewed to align with Council’s new Igniting Creativity Strategy. You can review the draft Art and Collection Heritage Policy here. The purpose of this policy is to set out how Council acquires and manages the art and heritage items in the Moonee Valley City Council Art and Heritage Collection.

The Igniting Creativity Strategy, adopted in 2023, is a new arts and culture strategy to guide the work of Council for the next four years. A key deliverable within this strategy is to develop a commissioning framework and update the Art Collection Policy and Management Manual to identify priorities in these areas. According to this strategy, the update should ensure that artworks commissioned or collected reflect the identity of the community.

Through the consultation undertaken to develop the Igniting Creativity Strategy we heard that the Moonee Valley community is diverse and constantly evolving. There is work to be done in ensuring the voice of different communities is heard and represented in programming, events and other opportunities and avenues. We hope this Policy helps achieve some of these outcomes!

We're keen to understand Community's thoughts on this revised Policy. Have your say today!