Council is embarking on a refresh of the MV2040 Strategy and the development of a number of important plans, including a new Council Plan and Health Plan.

The MV2040 Strategy is Council’s long-term plan for improving the health, vibrancy and resilience of our city over the next two decades. It has been prepared to shape the type of city and neighbourhoods we want to live in. The community vision in MV2040 provides Council with an anchor for guiding what it does and how resources are directed.

Much about our lifestyles has changed since the MV2040 strategy was developed. The pandemic challenged our health, wellbeing, resilience and sense of community. It caused many of us to reassess what we seek from our neighbourhoods and our communities.

Council wants to check what type of community you want Moonee Valley to be in 2040. Resetting the community vision will help us to set our priorities and focus our activities to ensure we are taking steps to help build a future that everyone is proud of.

The review of MV2040 and development of a new Council Plan and Health Plan is a lengthy one. We want to bring you along each stage of the journey and collect your feedback every step of the way.

Have your say!

Have your say by completing our survey, or by adding to our vision boards below!