Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback for this consultation. The consultation has now closed.

Following consideration and analysis of all community feedback on the draft Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) plans, Council adopted the Travancore LATM study on 26 Tuesday, September 2023 and resolved to adopt the Final Traffic Management Plan and Final Parking Management Plan for the Travancore precinct.

Council sought feedback on the following plans for Travancore:

  • a draft Local Area Traffic Management plan, and
  • a draft Local Area Traffic Parking Plan.

The draft plans were prepared following the review of feedback received over the past 18 months, along with results from traffic and parking surveys. We are now seeking feedback on the draft plans for consideration by the Traffic and Parking team. It will then be presented to Council for endorsement.

Traffic Management

The draft Traffic Management Plan sets out recommended solutions to traffic issues identified by the community and Council officers.

The community response to the draft plan will be reviewed, prior to presenting the Recommended Traffic Management Plan in a report to Council.

Parking Management

The parking management component of the study involved the collection of detailed parking occupancy data across the whole study area.

Using the parking occupancy data, the streets where parking changes are warranted were determined based on our Parking Demand Management Framework. Our Kerbside Road Space User Hierarchy was then used to determine appropriate parking restrictions for each street.



The LATM - Travancore survey has now concluded