Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback for this consultation. The Minister for Planning has issued NOTICE OF APPROVAL of Amendment C200moon (Permanent Heritage Overlay controls for properties identified in the Moonee Valley 2017 Heritage Study) advising that the amendment will come into effect on 10 December 2021.

In 2017, Council commenced the 2017 Heritage Study. The study assessed the heritage value of interwar, Edwardian and Victorian places and precincts currently not protected by the Heritage Overlay in the Moonee Valley Planning Scheme. The 2017 Heritage Study can be downloaded here:

Council engaged heritage consultants, Context, to undertake the assessments and make recommendations on wherever a property or precinct warrants protection via the application of the Heritage Overlay.

In order to implement the findings of this heritage study we needed to make changes to the Moonee Valley Planning Scheme and apply the Heritage Overlay to places of heritage significance. To do this we followed a process stipulated by the State Government. This process is called a ‘Planning Scheme Amendment’ (

Specifically, Amendment C200moon:

  • applies the Heritage Overlay to 57 heritage places, 9 extended heritage precincts, 17 new heritage precincts and 1 serial listing.
  • introduces Statements of Significance in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay
  • updates the City of Moonee Valley Permit Exemptions Policy – Heritage Overlay Precincts.
  • Amends Moonee Valley’s Planning Scheme Maps

Thank you to everyone who provided a submission. Council officers and an independent Planning Panel have reviewed all submissions received. Notice will issue to all submitter to advise of updates on the amendment. All submissions received during public exhibition (with personal informational redacted) are displayed online in line with Section 205(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.


In response to the exhibition of Amendment C200moon, Council received 123 number submissions. Copies of these submissions are available on Council's website.

Amendment C200moon Heritage Controls - post-exhibition consideration of submissions

On 25 August 2020, Council considered post-exhibition changes in response to submissions received during the exhibition. The documents are located on rights hand side under the heading: Amendment C200moon Heritage Controls - post-exhibition consideration of submissions.

Planning Panels Victoria - Directions Hearing

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Directions Hearing for the Amendment was held by video conference on Wednesday 23 September 2020.

Planning Panels Victoria - Panel Hearing

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Panel Hearing for the Amendment was held by video conference from Monday, 9 November 2020 and run for nine days until Monday, 23 November 2020. The Panel issued the following Panel Hearing Timetable.

The Panel Report was provided to Council on 18 February 2021. Following consideration of recommendations the report must be made available for public inspection no later than 28 days after receiving the report (16 March 2021).

The Panel Report for Amendment C200moon is available for download. Please click here to access the Pdf document.

If you have any questions about the hearing process, please contact Planning Panels Victoria at

Amendment C200moon Heritage Controls - post-panel considerations

A report was presented to Council on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 to consider Panel recommendations and Council Officers position on the Amendment.

Council’s decision was to adopt the Amendment with conditions. The Council Report and details of the Council resolution (minutes to the Council Meeting) are available at

You can read more about Council Meetings and submit questions to Councillors at or email

Amendment C200moon submitted for Approval

Amendment C200moon was submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval on 10 May 2021.

Notice of the Minister for Plannings decision will be issued in the Victorian Government Gazette. Updates will also appear on this website.

Interim Heritage Overlay controls extended

The Minister for Planning has advised Council that the Amendment is still under consideration and that interim controls, in place until permanent controls can be considered, have been extended for a second time from 29 October until 28 January 2022.

Amendment C200moon - Notice of Approval

Council received notice from the Minister for Planning that Notice of Approval of Amendment C200moon will be published in the Special Government Gazette and come into affect on 10 December 2021.

The amendment applies to 57 individual heritage places, 9 extended heritage precincts, 17 new heritage precincts and 1 serial listing to the Moonee Valley Heritage Overlay (HO) on a permanent basis. It also introduces Statements of Significance in the Schedule to the Heritage Overlay and updates the incorporated document City of Moonee Valley Permit Exemptions Policy – Heritage Overlay Precincts, April 2021 to include the additional heritage places and precincts.

Interim controls in place while Amendment C200moon was under consideration have now been removed.

This is a significant addition to Councils Heritage Overlay amounting to 2519 additional heritage places afforded permanent heritage protection.

This link to Moonee Valley C200moon in Planning Scheme Amendments Online or the "Gazetted / Approved Documents (late 2021)" folder in the right hand column of this page will allow you to access the Explanatory Report and lodged amendment documents as required under section 40(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

If you have any question, please contact David Kilroe, Principal Strategic Planner, on 03 9243 9140 or via email


The Submission survey has now concluded